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"I read the news today, oh boy"

A Day in the Life, The Beatles

23/09/21: Solvay Workshop on Quantum Simulation 2021


Registrations are now open : [link]

Everybody is cordially invited, so please don’t hesitate to forward this to your colleagues and students! 

20/05/21: Tuning Chern numbers by creating a dark state ... in SciPost !


A dark state of Chern bands: Designing flat bands with higher Chern number,

M. Łącki, J. Zakrzewski, and N. Goldman,

SciPost Phys. 10, 112 (2021) [link]

Comment: The published version contains a mathematical proof of the sum rule


16/4/21: Take a walk on the Weyl side ... of ultracold matter !

Perspective: The Weyl side of ultracold matter,

N. Goldman and T. Yefsah,

Science 372, 234 (2021) [link];

see also the article by Wang et al. in Science 372, 271 (2021).


7/4/21: Quantum Fisher information from randomized measurements in diamond

Experimental estimation of the quantum Fisher information from randomized measurements,

M. Yu, D. Li, J. Wang, Y.Chu, P. Yang, M. Gong, N. Goldman and Jianming Cai,

arXiv:2104.00519 (2021) [PDF];

15/3/21: Slides from March Meeting presentation

• Opening talk in Session C27 Topological States in AMO Systems I                   [Link to slides]

Capture d’écran 2021-02-22 à

21/2/21: A topological jump for mobile impurities

Topological transport of mobile impurities,

D. Pimenov, A. Camacho-Guardian, N. Goldman, P. Massignan, G. M. Bruun and M. Goldstein,

arXiv:2102.08407 (2021) [PDF];

14/12/20: Few bosons catch the (Hall) drift

Fractional Chern insulators of few bosons in a box:

Hall plateaus from center-of-mass drifts and density profiles,

C. Repellin, J. Léonard, and N. Goldman,

Phys. Rev. A 102, 063316 (2020) [link]


8/12/20: Hubbard model reduced to a single site


Bose-Hubbard physics in synthetic dimensions from interaction Trotterization,

L. Barbiero, L. Chomaz, S. Nascimbene, and N. Goldman,

Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043340 (2020) [link]


23/11/20: A new beat in non-Abelian quantum matter


Non-Abelian Bloch oscillations in higher-order topological insulators,

M. Di Liberto, N. Goldman and G. Palumbo,

Nature Communications 11, 5942 (2020) [link] + Editors’ Highlights [link]

Capture d’écran 2020-07-05 à

29/06/20: Floquet topological matter in an ultracold gas


Realization of an anomalous Floquet topological system with ultracold atoms,

K. Wintersperger, C. Braun, F. N. Ünal, A. Eckardt, M. Di Liberto, 

N. Goldman, I.Bloch, and M. Aidelsburger,

Nature Physics (2020) [link]

News and Views ("Driving toward hot new phases") by Mark S. Rudner [link]

Capture d’écran 2020-07-03 à

18/03/20: Quantum geometry revealed in diamond


• Experimental measurement of the quantum geometric tensor using coupled qubits in diamond,

M. Yu, P. Yang, M. Gong, Q. Cao, Q. Lu, H. Liu, S. Zhang, M. B. Plenio, F. Jelezko, T. Ozawa, N. Goldman and J. Cai,

National Science Review 7, 254 (2020) [link]

12/02/20: Momentum-resolved instabilities in shaken BEC

Parametric instabilities of interacting bosons in periodically-driven 1D optical lattices,

K. Wintersperger, M. Bukov, J. Näger, S. Lellouch, E. Demler, U. Schneider,

I. Bloch, N. Goldman, and M. Aidelsburger,

Physical Review X 10, 011030 (2020) [link]

Based on theory work:

Parametric Instability Rates in Periodically-Driven Band Systems

S. Lellouch, M. Bukov, E. Demler, and N. Goldman

Physical Review X 7, 021015 (2017) [link]

see also the experiment: 

Parametric instabilities in a 2D periodically-driven bosonic system: Beyond the weakly-interacting regime,

T. BoulierJ. MaslekM. BukovC. BracamontesE. MagnanS. LellouchE. DemlerN. Goldman and J. V. Porto,

Physical Review X 9, 011047 (2019) [link]


C. Hohmann (LMU)

15/10/19: Seeing localization in heating


G. Salerno (ULB)

1/10/19: 2D topological physics from shaking a 1D wire


• Quantized Hall conductance of a single atomic wire: A proposal based on synthetic dimensions,

G. Salerno, H. M. Price, M. Lebrat, S. Häusler, T. Esslinger, L. Corman, J.-P. Brantut and N. Goldman,

Physical Review X 9, 041001 (2019) [link]


Christoph Hohmann (LMU / MCQST)


16/9/19: Cold-atom approach to lattice gauge theories


Floquet approach to ℤ2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices,

C. Schweizer, F. Grusdt, M. Berngruber, L. Barbiero, E. Demler, 

N. Goldman, I. Bloch and M. Aidelsburger,

Nature Physics 15, 1168 (2019) [link]

Read the News & Views in Nature Physics by Cheng Chin [link]


Coupling ultracold matter to dynamical gauge fields in optical lattices:

From flux-attachment to ℤ2 lattice gauge theories,

L. Barbiero, C. Schweizer, M. Aidelsburger, E. Demler, N. Goldman and F. Grusdt,

Science Advances 5, eaav7444 (2019) [link]

25/4/19: Detecting topological order by circular dichroism selected by PRL


Artwork by Harald Ritsch

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