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Meetings of the Belgian Quantum Physics Initiative

Next Event: BQPi Colloquium on March 14th 2024 (Solvay room)

       'Meandering “edge states” and the tunable nature of quantised charge transport'

        by Prof. Dmitry Kovrizhin  (LPTM Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, France) 


Calendar 2022-2023
14th December 2023: Servaas Kokkelmans  (Eindhoven University of Technology) 
23rd March 2023: Special Lectures by Nir Navon (Yale) 

8th December 2022: Alexander Altland (Univ. Cologne) 

26th October 2022: EOS CHEQS Kick-off meeting
20th October 2022:
Achim Rosch (Univ. Cologne)
September 2022: Lectures by Jean Dalibard (Solvay Chair) [
link] [Lecture #1] [#2] [#3] [#4]
1st-2nd September 2022:
Lectures by Sebastian Diehl [link] [Lecture notes]
29th-31st August 2022: Solvay Workshop @Flagey [

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Please subscribe on this link

Académie Royale de Belgique
Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles - Belgique

Calendar 2021-2022

9th December 2021: Reinhard Werner (Leibniz Universität Hannover) 
10th March 2022: Alexander Altland (Univ. Cologne) postponed
5th May 2022: Monika Aidelsburger (LMU, Munich)


Calendar 2020-2021

5th November 2020 (Online): Virtual meeting with (real) BQPi members
4th March 2021 (Online): Alba Cervera Lierta (Univ. Toronto)
6th May 2021 (Online): Michael Zaletel (Berkeley)

Calendar 2019-2020

28th November 2019 (Univ. Liege): Seminar day on path-integral and semiclassical app.
13th February 2020: Nir Navon (Yale)
2nd April 2020: Reinhard Werner (Leibniz Universität Hannover) postponed
7th May 2020: Monika Aidelsburger (LMU, Munich) postponed


Calendar 2018-2019

4th October 2018: Philipp Hauke (Univ. of Heidelberg)
8th November 2018: Eleni Diamanti (Sorbonne Univ., Paris)
13th December 2018: Ignacio Cirac (MPQ Garching)
10th January 2019: Sebastian Diehl (Univ. Cologne)
7th February 2019: Markus Oberthaler (Univ. of Heidelberg)
14th March 2019: Jean Dalibard (Collège de France)
4th April 2019: Caslav Brukner (Univ. of Vienna)
2nd May 2019: Andreas Buchleitner (Univ. of Freiburg)

Calendar 2017-2018

9th November 2017: Marc Cheneau (LCF Paris)

7th December, 2017: Ronald de Wolf (CWI and Univ. of Amsterdam)

18th January 2018: Tilman Esslinger (ETH Zurich)

1st February 2018: Steven H. Simon (Oxford Univ.)

15th February 2018: Rembert Duine (Utrecht Univ.)

1st March 2018: Thierry Giamarchi (Geneva Univ.)

26th April 2018: Klaus Mølmer (Aarhus Univ.)

17th May 2018: Wolfgang Schleich (Ulm Univ.)

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